Ring K625

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13,84 $
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Promotion: false Insert: Zircon Insert color: Blue Metal color: Gold Ring width, cm: 3.1 A large stone of a rich blue color, like the sea abyss, beckons and attracts the gaze. This ring, chosen as a bright accent of an evening look, will certainly emphasize the beauty of the hands, charisma and courage of its owner. Such decoration is original and self-sufficient, like its owner.
  • description:
    Promotion: false Insert: Zircon Insert color: Blue Metal color: Gold Ring width, cm: 3.1 A large stone of a rich blue color, like the sea abyss, beckons and attracts the gaze. This ring, chosen as a bright accent of an evening look, will certainly emphasize the beauty of the hands, charisma and courage of its owner. Such decoration is original and self-sufficient, like its owner.
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