Ring K622

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6,34 $
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Promotion: false Insert: No insert Save and protect: true Insert color: no Metal color: Gold Ring width, cm: 0.3 Amulet rings can be not only with prayers and the inscription: "Save and protect". Any ring with a memorable engraving can become such talismans, or even without it. Sometimes the mere thought that this ring was given not by someone else, but by a loved one, warms, protects and guards.
  • description:
    Promotion: false Insert: No insert Save and protect: true Insert color: no Metal color: Gold Ring width, cm: 0.3 Amulet rings can be not only with prayers and the inscription: "Save and protect". Any ring with a memorable engraving can become such talismans, or even without it. Sometimes the mere thought that this ring was given not by someone else, but by a loved one, warms, protects and guards.
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